Approved Hand Tools
Here you will find our Approved Hand Tools selection made by professional chefs and cooks. When available, we always recommend the commercial counterparts that the professionals use, but due to cost or availability to the public, we find the best household varieties in their places.
- Plain Spoons
- Slotted Spoons
- Vegetable Peeler
- Melon Baller
- Zesters
- Balloon and French Whisks
- Tongs
- Rubber Spatula
- Meat Mallet
- Chef’s Fork
Slotted spoon
$9.99 by OXO
Plain Spoon
$9.99 by OXO
Vegetable Peeler (Y Peeler)
$8.99 by OXO
Melon Baller
$8.99 by OXO
$19.99 by DRAGONN
Stainless Steel Whisks
$8.99 by DRAGONN
Stainless Steel Tongs
$19.99 by DRAGONN
High Heat 16.5″ Spatula
$13.99 by Rubbermaid
Meat Mallet/Meat Tenderizer
$10.99 by KitchenAid
Chef’s Fork/Carving Fork
$39.99 by Wusthof