Veloute Sauce: The Veloute Family

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he veloute sauce is a relatively easy recipe but takes a lot more preparation and foresight, as it is developed with a white stock as the primary liquid which can take many hours to make. The veloute is the contrasting sauce to the Espagnole/brown sauce and the applications and derivative sauces are also contrasting in nature
What is a Veloute Sauce?
The veloute sauce has quite a large family of sauces underneath it, and that is due to its versatility in the kitchen and its neutral flavor and color. You will find it is similar in qualities and finish to that of a bechamel sauce, but with a smoother finish and sheen. The flavor of a veloute is almost always neutral and almost bland to the tongue. But this is a good thing, because it forms the texture that we want from a basic sauce and a large canvass for us to work with.
A veloute is very simply a thickened white stock. It can be made from one of three white stocks: Chicken stock, fish stock, or veal stock. We will learn how to make a veloute as well as the derivative sauces behind it.
Basic Sauce Difficulty
(Lower is easier)
[skill start=auto progress=65]Hollandaise[/skill]
[skill start=auto progress=45]Espagnole/Brown Sauce[/skill]
[skill start=auto progress=25]Tomato Sauce[/skill]
[skill start=auto progress=15]Veloute[/skill]
[skill start=auto progress=10]Bechamel[/skill]
Veloute Sauce
Yield: 1 L (1 qt.)
Prep time: 10 min.
Cooking time: 30 min.
Ingredient | Weight (metric) | Weight (imperial) |
Clarified butter | 62.5 g | 2 oz |
Flour | 62.5 – 75 g | 2 oz – 3 oz |
Chicken, veal or fish stock, warm | 1.25 L | 1.25 qt |
Salt & White pepper | To taste | To taste |
- Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan and add the flour to cook. Make a blond or white roux.
- Gradually add the warm stock into the roux, stirring with a whisk to incorporate into the stock. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.
- Simmer and reduce to 1L, approx 15-20 min.
- Strain through a conical strainer.
- Melted butter can be ladled over the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Cool in a water bath.
Veloute Derivative Sauces

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen making your veloute, you should have a clear goal in mind for the finished product and what you are going to serve it with. The recipe provided above is not open to variation and should not be altered or adulterated by flavorings/spices. The veloute is a canvass and once it is created only then do you have the freedom to create and innovate to your hearts content.
There are always classic methods to creating these sauces and their derivatives. This does not mean that there aren’t other methods that you can explore yourself. Always keep in mind what you are making the dish for and the ideas will start to flood. The line of thinking that often produces new and exciting dishes for a professional chef is the economical line of thought. Most left overs and trimmings are what is used in most instances, so open your fridge and find out what you can throw together into the silky veloute sauce!